Friday, March 2, 2007

Diamond in the Rough

So I thought I would take a picture of my stash, which is humble, holds no sock yarn, and has several skeins of acrylic which I hate so much I might never knit anything out of them at all. I'm also warning you that I don't own that umbrella thingy that makes the nice little yarn cakes so some of my yarn looks unusable. There's a system, trust me.

The four balls on the top right are my favorites. The right most, black yarn cake is DK 4ply Misti Alpaca (80% baby suri alpaca and 20% silk) destined to be a hat for Mister J - hopefully sometime before he has to pack it away for next year. The blue next to it is beautiful, Dive Fiamma (100% wool) - a scant 55 yards that I have no idea what I'm going to do with but it's pretty. Next to that - Cascade Quatro (100% wool) to become a hat to match the basket weave scarf I made my roommate in the same yarn. She's demanding. Last but absolutely not least is my favorite stash yarn to date - 138 yards of Manos del Uruguay in color 114. It's beautiful. I donno what I'm going to make of it yet but I'm leaning towards a ear flap hat for myself.

So there you have it. It's not impressive but it has potential. Diamond in the rough, dontcha know.

What's your favorite yarn to work with?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.